About Us

Most of us do not realize the power of the tongue. Each day we speak things into existence.

The question is what kind of existence?


As a believer in God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and Holy Spirit my words have power and they need to line up with the word of God. As an ambassador for Christ I should represent the nature of God.


In Matthew 12:34b it says, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” NIV Did you realize that your words would dictate the course of your life? In James 3:6 it says, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” NIV


I don’t believe you can tame the tongue, but speaking (confessing) the principles found in the word of God your heart and mind can be changed. When the heart and mind is changed, the tongue will speak in the manner God intended.


I set in bold the part of scripture that lets us know that our words will direct our lives. I believe that many believers were just like me and did not realize or understand the importance of our words. I had been a Christian a long time before I had a revelation about this most important issue.



A native of Birmingham, Alabama Rodney lives in Pell City, Alabama. He is a licensed and ordained minister and sits on the board of directors of Prayer Harvest Ministries Inc. in Trussville, Alabama.

Rodney was involved in a local family owned Birmingham business for over 22 years. His experience includes aspects of business management from computer operations, programming, customer service, manufacturing, quality control, inventory, sales, marketing, and security. His involvement extended to other family businesses and was the owner of Promise, Inc. which provided a platform for Christian artists to market their various products.

Rodney, now living in Pell City, Alabama focuses his time on family, serving the community, and the work God has called him too. You can check out this vision by clicking on willowtreeranch.com.


The Faith Confessions logomark represents the ministry’s mission of encouraging believers to speak (confess) the principles found in the word of God to change one’s heart and mind. In the logomark you see a representation of a cross, as well as a talk or conversation bubble icon, representing the idea of speaking, or confession—in essence conversation with God and with others. You also see a window, a representation of confession as a window of, and to our heart.


Many of us read the scriptures and sometimes overlook the simplicity of the gospel and miss the relevance in our lives. Read Psalm 91 from a different mindset than you have before. Psalm 91 is one those passage of scriptures that we read, and it sounds good...


I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
PSALM 91:10


But how do we apply it to our lives?

Lessons Learned

Shared wisdom and truth through the Word of God and testimonies of the faithfulness and character of a good, good Father.

God is a Consuming Fire

God is a Consuming Fire

Today I am sitting here at the local Cracker Barrel in front of my favorite spot “The Fireplace”. I always like a good fire. I can sit and watch a...

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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians...

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Born to Die

Born to Die

"And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh judgment" - Hebrew 9:27 Each and every one of us will die; but, what is...

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